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As you watch this porn video, you couldn’t help but notice the chubby amateur girl tied up in the middle of the room. Her flesh spilled over her clothing, and her curves were accentuated by the ropes binding her hands and feet. You approached her slowly, your heart pounding in your chest as you reached out to grab her cheek. “I think you know what’s going to happen now, don’t you?” you whispered in her ear. She looked up at you with wide, scared eyes, but you didn’t care. You were in control, and you loved every moment of it. You quickly started pulling at her clothes, tearing off her top and pants until she was completely naked. Her chest heaved and her stomach rolled as her heart tried to escape her chest. You stepped forward, took her in your hands, and pulled her closer.
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You leaned in closer, and felt her lips on yours as you started to pleasure her. Her tongue twisted and turned in your mouth, and you couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement as you tasted her sweet, salty flesh. As you continued to sexually explore her, toying with her nipples and running your hands over her soft, doughy skin, you knew what the next step was. You knelt down, pulled her closer, and took her in your mouth, sucking on her clit until she began to cum. You caught the cumshot, slathering it all over her face. She moaned and screamed as she came, a mixture of fear and pleasure coursing through her body. You could tell she was thoroughly enjoying every moment of it, and it only made you harder.
Finally, you decided it was time to end the show. You bent down, took her in your hands again, and held her still as you cummed into her. ( if you don’t know what is a bbw, click on the link) She moaned and cried as the cum hit her face and dripped down her chin, but she didn’t protest. In fact, she seemed to enjoy every moment of it. Once you’d cum, you pulled away, wiping your feet on her. She looked up at you with sad, tear-filled eyes, and you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her. But you quickly brushed it away, and turned away from the room, wondering what other kinky fantasies you had yet to explore.